To start with, please go the calendar your admin console -> click New -> class schedule -> choose the course -> the respective staff for the schedule (Instructor) and add the schedule.
Scenario - Teacher Hannah teaches two courses, Java and Python every week for 2 months. Java classes are held on Mondays and Tuesdays, and Python classes are held on Wednesdays and Thursdays respectively. Duration of each class is 60 mins.
So based on the class schedule for Hannah, you can see the total No. of working hours. Please refer the below steps.
Step 1 - From your admin console, Please go to Reports -> Summary Reports -> Staff total working hours.
Step 2 - You can filter by the date range with which would you like to see the working hours of the staffs.
Step 3 - To have a more detailed view with the courses split and student count, please go the Staff with courses, student count report, under Summary reports.
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